Soda did not come to school today with her thinking cap on. She just was all woogy and off and not listening and running off and not coming (a recurrent problem) when called.
It started when we were grazing the sheep behind the arena and that is in The Corner Of Death(tm) where commands cannot be followed and work cannot be done, according to Soda. So, we're back there, and she wanders off critter hunting and the sheep get in the road and despite my panicked calls, she did not come and I had to get the sheep myself. Then I went and got her and made her follow me around for a few minutes and then we just sat. Or I thought we were just sitting. Soda wandered off when I wasn't paying attention, critter hunting again and the sheep wandered into the pasture and I had to get all angry to get her to listen and get the sheep out of the field. Grrr...
Actually, even before The Corner of Death(tm) started when we were sorting off some sheep and the sheep didn't want to go back in the arena (can't blame them, really) and Soda just stood there, googly eyed and looking like "huh. well look at this. What do I do mom? Just stand here? okay.... what? walk up? what? get up there? what? okay. I'll just stand here..." So embarrassed, my trainer sent her to push the sheep in because Soda was taking so GD long.
We put most of the sheep away and started working on outruns and she just wasn't there. On the last couple she wouldn't take the flank. She would take off, nice and square and then bend backwards, away from the sheep and into the pasture. I didn't let her get in there and then just called it a day. It was frustrating for me and her.
On a positive note: Soda has progressed to the point where I can tell when she's thinking and when she's not and I'm actually proud of that.
On the non-dog training but still sheep note: I helped my trainer massage an ewe's bag to help unclog her ducts and it was really cool! I love doing stuff like that. It helps prepare me for day I have my own sheep.
And now, some sheepictures. I particularly like the one where Soda is sitting under the trailer, looking like a Real Ranch Dog(tm).
A Bourbon-believable Good Time
2 hours ago