Thursday, November 12, 2009

What is interesting about this picture?


Is it the massive amount of dirt?
The cute lambios?
The crappy focus?

No. Take your time, look and study.



Got it? Not yet?

Well, she is BETWEEN me and the sheep! She did two whole, complete, comfortable, non-ridiculously slow, correct inside flanks ON HER OWN. This was actually #3 and we stopped right after this because I was so pleased. She is finally and slowly getting it. We've been using crazy baby lambios and I've been vigilant about letting her have fun, too. I practiced penning a little bit because she so loves that. Her pupils dialate, her whole body gets wound and I just have 100% of my dog when she sees that pen. She just loves it. I've said it before but I think it's because she can see what needs to be done and how to do it easily. I refreshed her in the middle with some penning and I got more dog after that. So fun.

Oh, and Terry has a litter on the ground. I so want. I want I want I want I want I want.

Anyway, todays work was just what I needed. She did really well. :) Feel free to congratulate her in the comments.


  1. YAY for Soda! Congratulations - it's exciting when they start to figure this stuff out. WTG to both of you!

  2. That's so great, good for you guys! What a big step!
