Soda's stop is something I regularly struggle with. She hates to stop and if I don't enforce a blown off stop every.single.time then she basically just stops stopping. Additionally, her stop isn't a down (I know, what kind of border collie doesn't lay down?) -- she sits, like a loose eyed dog.
We were working on big outruns and her fetches, as I've long known, are too fast and too chasey. She doesn't rate stock well so I have to stop her and I swear to god, I nearly murdered her on Thursday. It went something like this
Outrun : Fantabulous
Lift (with a stop at the top that she took just fine)--beautiful
Fetch: RUN LIKE HELL, no real control, WHEE!
"Lie down!"
<--I start leaving the post to go enforce the down
I really need to recue the down and reteach it. I think that's my big problem. I hope a whistle will help but I think I 'm going to reteach it on another cue.
I say "lie down"... I wonder if "LAY down" is different enough...
So Tired Of Snow Tires
1 hour ago
Ya just gotta say it once, and then run up to her if she ignores you, just that simple (yeah, I know, simple? PITA if you ask me, but that's the only way they GET that they have to take it when you ask). I go through this with Lucy, and the change came when I enforced it every single time...
ReplyDeleteHaha. She has a mind of her own, very independent. How can you not love that?! ;-) I know it's annyoing for you, but your "LIE DOWN, LIE DOWN, sits...." made me laugh!