Friday, July 17, 2009

Chernobyl-style melt down

On Thursday we went back out to the chicken-farm big field in the evening to get some "big field" practice in. 

Soda had an old-school, running-off-the-field, pouting, I-hate-my-mom meltdown of epic proportions. 

She got a correction for blowing off a stop and I was hard on her, I'll be honest. So then, after that she could no longer successfully complete an "away" outrun. She ran out then just ran out and out and out and started to go into a ditch and kept wanting to cross behind me to take the go-bye side because that was more comfortable. 

And so we stopped and came off the field. 

Then I went out and asked her again, only it was shorter and I walked really close to the sheep--baby style. Same thing. Walked off the field again with her. 

Last time, I walked out onto the field with her, set her up so it would be REALLY uncomfortable for her to take the go-bye, stood as close to the sheep as I could and sent her and squeeked "ah-weeeeeeeeeeee! go go go go go get em get em get em get em" the whole time and FINALLY she finished the flank. She ran up at the top too--I think 1/4 of the problem is she doesn't like the footing. It's plowed oat hay so it's prickly. 

Big ol' whiney baby but at least we ended on a positive note. 

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