Tuesday, May 26, 2009

6 things

I've been tagged by Laura at http://crooksandcrazies.blogspot.com/ Don't expect anything deep, folks. And if you are expecting something deep, then you probably don't know me too well! :D

6 things that I appreciate that may, to someone else, seem unimportant, but to me are precious:

1.) My job. How lucky I am to have it, and to love it and to have found it.
2.) A nearly overripe bannana. Everything about them is perfect--the smell, the taste, the texture. mmm....
3.) The internet. How did people find anything before the internet??
4.) Doc Bronners Peppermint soap. It's perfect stuff.
5.) A brand new razor. I have some mighty leg hair so it's always a joy when I bust out a new blade.
6.) Cats. I just like cats and think they're hilarious.

Lemme tag a couple of folks: (I think everyone else on my list has been tagged!)

Cousin Hollie: http://skolihollie.blogspot.com/
Jean: http://mylifewiththecritters.blogspot.com
Ellie: http://cedarbc.blogspot.com


  1. OMG, I just spit my coffee out on my monitor about the "mighty leg hairs". LOL!!! Thanks for playing. :)

  2. Yep...I like the leg hair comment...good stuff.
